Consider leaving a legacy to the Epworth Village community. The Foundation gratefully accepts planned gifts such as charitable gift annuities, charitable bequests, donor advised funds and charitable trusts. A charitable bequest may be made through a will or a living trust. It can be a specific amount or asset, or a percentage of an estate. It can be a residual bequest that assigns the amount left in the estate after all other distributions have been made. In making a bequest, it is important to use the full legal name of our foundation, which is Epworth Village, Inc.
You are encouraged to obtain professional advice and assistance from an attorney in developing and documenting your estate plan. Proper planning and follow-through will ensure that your assets are distributed precisely according to your wishes with a minimum of expense, taxes and delay. Special care should be taken to ensure that your assets are titled properly (sole name, joint names, name of trust, etc.), or your wishes could be thwarted.
Through a charitable gift annuity agreement, a donor may transfer personal assets for the purpose of benefiting Epworth Village, Susanna Wesley Health Center and their residents. Gifts may also be restricted to a specific ministry, as detailed below. The donor receives a tax deduction during the year the gift is made. If an annuity is made, the donor may receive fixed annuity payments for life, a portion of which is tax-free. Upon the donor’s death, the principal goes to Epworth Village, Inc.
By creating a donor-advised fund, you can set up a fund and advise Epworth regarding charitable disbursements. The fund can be passed from generation to generation or liquidated upon the donor’s death.

Similar to a gift annuity, a charitable remainder trust provides an income benefit to the donor or others during the donor’s lifetime. Conversely, a charitable lead trust provides income for Epworth Village for a period of time while retaining the asset for the donor’s family. Donors receive certain charitable deductions when a trust is established.
Suggested wording for gifts is as follows:
General Gifts: Unrestricted
I give to Epworth Village, Inc., 5300 W. 16th Ave., Hialeah, FL 33012, Tax I.D. No. (given on request), the sum of $ _______________ (or if property is designated, describe same) to be used for its general purposes.
General Gifts: Restricted
I give to Epworth Village, Inc., 5300 W. 16th Ave., Hialeah, FL 33012, Tax I.D. No. (given on request), the sum of $ ____________ (or property described) to be used for the specific purpose of ___________________. If in the opinion of the Epworth Village, Inc. Board of Directors, the need for funds for the purpose described above no longer exists, the Board is authorized to use this gift for the general purposes of the foundation.
Gifts to the Good Samaritan Fund:
I give to Epworth Village, Inc., 5300 W. 16th Ave., Hialeah, FL 33012, Tax I.D. No. (given on request) the sum of $____________ for deposit in the permanent Good Samaritan endowment fund the net earned income therefrom to be used for the general purposes of the endowment.